/bɪˈtwiːn/ (2019)
When someone speaks, someone imagines.
When someone acts, someone understands.
When someone laughs, someone interprets.
When someone moves, someone listens.
/bɪˈtwiːn/ is a live dialogue of revealing the distance in communication. It is a game formed by at least two people or you can play inside yourself. The role of audience and performer interweaves in the fragmented communication. As communication is an autopoietic process, it reproduces itself. Understanding is not necessary for its fabrication. If there is no clarification occurs, is communication effective?
/bɪˈtwiːn/ is a process of translation from one language into another. From body movement into words. A conversation in English between a Hongkonger and a Brazilian, overcrowded with symbols, references and assimilations.
To what extent should the translator respect the author’s intentions? How much is the work subject to change due to the background of the translator? What are the common understandings and symbols?
Wai Lok and Miranda playfully problematize conventional construction of body language
and speech, allowing their own social constructions and culture differences play a main role in the performance.
When someone speaks, someone imagines.
When someone acts, someone understands.
When someone laughs, someone interprets.
When someone moves, someone listens.
/bɪˈtwiːn/ is a live dialogue of revealing the distance in communication. It is a game formed by at least two people or you can play inside yourself. The role of audience and performer interweaves in the fragmented communication. As communication is an autopoietic process, it reproduces itself. Understanding is not necessary for its fabrication. If there is no clarification occurs, is communication effective?
/bɪˈtwiːn/ is a process of translation from one language into another. From body movement into words. A conversation in English between a Hongkonger and a Brazilian, overcrowded with symbols, references and assimilations.
To what extent should the translator respect the author’s intentions? How much is the work subject to change due to the background of the translator? What are the common understandings and symbols?
Wai Lok and Miranda playfully problematize conventional construction of body language
and speech, allowing their own social constructions and culture differences play a main role in the performance.
Concept/performer Wai Lok Chan, Mariana Miranda
/bɪˈtwiːn/ online
Date 27.6.2020 Bel 1:00pm HK 7:00pm
Venue Facebook live, Lacuna Festivals
/bɪˈtwiːn/ online
Date 29.3.2020 Bel 1:00pm HK 7:00pmDate 27.6.2020 Bel 1:00pm HK 7:00pm
Venue Facebook live, Lacuna Festivals
/bɪˈtwiːn/ online
Venue Facebook live
Date 2.7.2019 Bel 6:00pmVenue P.A.R.T.S
[ENG]Reflections on Semiotics and Site Specificity: /bɪˈtwiːn/ (2020 live online version) by Chan W
《舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk》, Dicky Lam 4.2019
[中]淺評《/bɪˈtwiːn/》: 「between」在作品與觀眾
《舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk》, MH SO 4.2019
[中]表演場域的轉向— 《/bɪˈtwiːn/》實體與虛擬
[ENG]Reflections on Semiotics and Site Specificity: /bɪˈtwiːn/ (2020 live online version) by Chan W
《舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk》, Dicky Lam 4.2019
[中]淺評《/bɪˈtwiːn/》: 「between」在作品與觀眾
《舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk》, MH SO 4.2019
[中]表演場域的轉向— 《/bɪˈtwiːn/》實體與虛擬
《舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk》, 無聞花 4.2019

In the Cloud
朵室 (2022)
愛若有如果 (2022)
Drink and Dance (2021)
An Auction without Bass
Click (2021)
Everyone knows what it means to think (2019)
Dear Deer (2019)
/bɪˈtwiːn/ (2019)
Avenue Van Volxem 175, Etg 3 (2018)
Unidentified creature getting lost in unknown forest: Not found in the MISSING PERSON (2017)
Video works
POV (2021)
Heiwa Wong and Wai Lok Chan
Asaka Namba 難波沙香 (2020)
Nga Yan Cheng and Wai Lok Chan
Architectural Works
Dis-place 位移 (2022)
Siu Man and Wai Lok Chan
Hack the Moment 《合如是》(2023)
Etienne Leung
Six Mouths《品品》(2022)
Unlock Dancing Plaza
We Are Spectacle
《回聲二:人為景觀》 (2021)
Joseph Lee
Mountains, Seas, Panorama
山海流 (2020)
Wilfred WONG
Switch (2020)
Cherry Leung
Action (2020)
Ka Hei Yau
Mise-en-Scène (2019)
Heiwa Wong
Somnia (2019)
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Jolente De Keersmaeker
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