Drink and Dance (2021)
Drink and Dance 即是字面上的意思—飲酒和跳舞;想像你在派對中沉浸於節奏強烈、聲量過大的音樂之中,腦袋在思考甚麼?或許一片空白,就只剩下過度沉醉的純粹享受。
Come and join us for a silent party!
Let’s get loose and cast reason, excessive speculation, and hollow meanings aside!
Come and feel the booze, relax, let go and drink till you drop!
Drink and Dance literally means to drink and to dance – imagine yourself at a party, immersed in the throbbing and excessively loud music – what is left on your mind? Perhaps it is simply a blank state, what is left is the pure joy of overindulgence.
If you’re on fire, fall.
If you’re confused, go straight.
If you drink, dance.
Drink and Dance 即是字面上的意思—飲酒和跳舞;想像你在派對中沉浸於節奏強烈、聲量過大的音樂之中,腦袋在思考甚麼?或許一片空白,就只剩下過度沉醉的純粹享受。
Come and join us for a silent party!
Let’s get loose and cast reason, excessive speculation, and hollow meanings aside!
Come and feel the booze, relax, let go and drink till you drop!
Drink and Dance literally means to drink and to dance – imagine yourself at a party, immersed in the throbbing and excessively loud music – what is left on your mind? Perhaps it is simply a blank state, what is left is the pure joy of overindulgence.
If you’re on fire, fall.
If you’re confused, go straight.
If you drink, dance.
概念、創作及演出 陳偉洛
創作及演出 胡日禧
道具及服裝設計 鄭雅茵
Concept, Creation and Performance Chan Wai Lok
Creation and Performance Woo Yat Hei
Props and Costume Design Cheng Nga Yan
Producted by #Danceless complex, Unlock Dancing Plaza and participated in Spot light: A season for Performing arts, Tai Kwun Hong Kong
Drink and Dance
日期 16.9.2021 – 19.9.2021, 6:30pm
地點 大館監獄操場
Drink and Dance
Date 16.9.2021 – 19.9.2021, 6:30pm
Venue Prison Yard, Tai Kwun
[中][ENG] 另類空間跳舞──享受「不受控」Dance in Alternative Spaces—Embracing the “Uncontrollable”
《舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk》, 尉瑋 1.2022
[中] 寂靜中的狂歡——不加鎖舞踊館「#非關舞蹈祭」《Drink and Dance》
《字花》, 郭詠盈 18.9.2021
[中]《Drink and Dance》:放下過度思考 回歸原始本能
OASIS, 余拜仁 10.9.2021
[中] #非關舞蹈祭|讓身體帶領舞蹈,不全然自控中的完美
《Sample 樣本》 4.9.2021
[中][ENG] 另類空間跳舞──享受「不受控」Dance in Alternative Spaces—Embracing the “Uncontrollable”
《舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk》, 尉瑋 1.2022
[中] 寂靜中的狂歡——不加鎖舞踊館「#非關舞蹈祭」《Drink and Dance》
《字花》, 郭詠盈 18.9.2021
[中]《Drink and Dance》:放下過度思考 回歸原始本能
OASIS, 余拜仁 10.9.2021
[中] #非關舞蹈祭|讓身體帶領舞蹈,不全然自控中的完美
《Sample 樣本》 4.9.2021

In the Cloud
朵室 (2022)
愛若有如果 (2022)
Drink and Dance (2021)
An Auction without Bass
Click (2021)
Everyone knows what it means to think (2019)
Dear Deer (2019)
/bɪˈtwiːn/ (2019)
Avenue Van Volxem 175, Etg 3 (2018)
Unidentified creature getting lost in unknown forest: Not found in the MISSING PERSON (2017)
Video works
POV (2021)
Heiwa Wong and Wai Lok Chan
Asaka Namba 難波沙香 (2020)
Nga Yan Cheng and Wai Lok Chan
Architectural Works
Dis-place 位移 (2022)
Siu Man and Wai Lok Chan
Hack the Moment 《合如是》(2023)
Etienne Leung
Six Mouths《品品》(2022)
Unlock Dancing Plaza
We Are Spectacle
《回聲二:人為景觀》 (2021)
Joseph Lee
Mountains, Seas, Panorama
山海流 (2020)
Wilfred WONG
Switch (2020)
Cherry Leung
Action (2020)
Ka Hei Yau
Mise-en-Scène (2019)
Heiwa Wong
Somnia (2019)
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Jolente De Keersmaeker
We were the future (2019)
Meytel Blanaru