Hack the Moment 合如是 (2023)
Etienne Leung
‘During times of transformation, let us embrace what flows through us. ’ -Etienne Leung
Hong Kong has always been a site of drastic changes. Time and again, these changes force us to confront our own vulnerability and to question ourselves and our surroundings. Hack the Moment explores how we have been affected by the changes in Hong Kong in recent years and captures our collective memories and shifting emotions. This video work is a conversation between body movements, sound, lighting, cinematography, and the environment; real-time data is turned into sound and light that interplay with a dancer’s body movements, which are improvised according to the environment. The result is a spontaneous and expressive piece that reflects the transformational moments that define us.
創作者 梁凱淩
委約者 M+,香港
作品概念 梁凱淩、黃庭芝、柳家媛
導演 梁凱淩
聯合導演、監製 黃庭芝
舞蹈主演 陳偉洛
美術指導 郭家賜
燈光藝術創作 陳一云
聲音藝術創作 林建霖
攝影 梁凱淩
剪接 梁凱淩、黃庭芝
攝影助理 陳濤
燈光 陳濱彬
燈光助理 梁亦霖
收音 馮耀棠
化妝 關根惠美
幕後花絮 林敬豪
調色、電腦特效 菠蘿包
混音 馮耀棠
文字創作 柳家媛
標題設計 梁凱淩、黃庭芝
司機 蔡小鬼
特別鳴謝 陳志芬(身心律動顧問)、OUER(服裝贊助)、紀沺圻(法律顧問)、巫安琪、陳安兒及龐泳偲
Created by Etienne Leung
Commissioned by M+, Hong Kong
Concept Etienne Leung, Quinn Wong, Catherine Lau
Director Etienne Leung
Co-director, Producer Quinn Wong
Lead Cast, Choreographer Wai Lok Chan
Art Director Kary Kwok
Light Artist Amy Chan
Sound Artist, Sound Design Kin Lam
Director of Photography Etienne Leung
Editors Etienne Leung, Quinn Wong
Camera Assistant To Chan
Gaffer Bun Chan
Best Boy Felix Leung
Sound Recordist Yiu Tong Fung
Hair, Make-up Megumi Sekine
Still Photography Kinho Lam
Colourist, Computer Graphics FMLIK
Sound Mixing Yiu Tong Fung
Copywriter Catherine Lau
Title Design Etienne Leung, Quinn Wong
Driver Bryan Choy
Special Thanks Fanny Chan (Somatic Movement Consultant), OUER (Outfit Sponsor), Oscar Chi (Legal Consultant), Angela Moo, Angie Chan, Poon Wing Sze
‘During times of transformation, let us embrace what flows through us. ’ -Etienne Leung
Hong Kong has always been a site of drastic changes. Time and again, these changes force us to confront our own vulnerability and to question ourselves and our surroundings. Hack the Moment explores how we have been affected by the changes in Hong Kong in recent years and captures our collective memories and shifting emotions. This video work is a conversation between body movements, sound, lighting, cinematography, and the environment; real-time data is turned into sound and light that interplay with a dancer’s body movements, which are improvised according to the environment. The result is a spontaneous and expressive piece that reflects the transformational moments that define us.
創作者 梁凱淩
委約者 M+,香港
作品概念 梁凱淩、黃庭芝、柳家媛
導演 梁凱淩
聯合導演、監製 黃庭芝
舞蹈主演 陳偉洛
美術指導 郭家賜
燈光藝術創作 陳一云
聲音藝術創作 林建霖
攝影 梁凱淩
剪接 梁凱淩、黃庭芝
攝影助理 陳濤
燈光 陳濱彬
燈光助理 梁亦霖
收音 馮耀棠
化妝 關根惠美
幕後花絮 林敬豪
調色、電腦特效 菠蘿包
混音 馮耀棠
文字創作 柳家媛
標題設計 梁凱淩、黃庭芝
司機 蔡小鬼
特別鳴謝 陳志芬(身心律動顧問)、OUER(服裝贊助)、紀沺圻(法律顧問)、巫安琪、陳安兒及龐泳偲
Created by Etienne Leung
Commissioned by M+, Hong Kong
Concept Etienne Leung, Quinn Wong, Catherine Lau
Director Etienne Leung
Co-director, Producer Quinn Wong
Lead Cast, Choreographer Wai Lok Chan
Art Director Kary Kwok
Light Artist Amy Chan
Sound Artist, Sound Design Kin Lam
Director of Photography Etienne Leung
Editors Etienne Leung, Quinn Wong
Camera Assistant To Chan
Gaffer Bun Chan
Best Boy Felix Leung
Sound Recordist Yiu Tong Fung
Hair, Make-up Megumi Sekine
Still Photography Kinho Lam
Colourist, Computer Graphics FMLIK
Sound Mixing Yiu Tong Fung
Copywriter Catherine Lau
Title Design Etienne Leung, Quinn Wong
Driver Bryan Choy
Special Thanks Fanny Chan (Somatic Movement Consultant), OUER (Outfit Sponsor), Oscar Chi (Legal Consultant), Angela Moo, Angie Chan, Poon Wing Sze

video available in M+ magazine
In the Cloud
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/bɪˈtwiːn/ (2019)
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Architectural Works
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Siu Man and Wai Lok Chan
Hack the Moment 《合如是》(2023)
Etienne Leung
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