An Auction without Bass (2021)
「用舞蹈去說話,似是老生常談,可是誰在說話?說怎樣的 話 ? 說給誰聽 ? 是次作品以『舉手』(幾乎每個人都做過的動 作)為藍本,然而舉左手或右手有分別嗎 ? 手舉到哪裏會影響 到本身的涵義嗎?手掌的方向重要嗎?
舉手,可以是標誌納粹的禁忌動作,可以是象徵自古以來投票的 其中一個方法,可以單純是演唱會中舉手投足的投入擺動。通過 拆解『舉手』包含的表現性及隱藏的脈絡,再把觀眾置身一場有關 動作的『拍賣會』中,動作所謂的價值由賣方和買方共同決定。 」
“Using dance to speak one’s mind seems rather clichéd. Still, who is speaking, what to speak, and to whom do we speak remain unanswered questions. The blueprint of this work develops from ‘hand-raising’, an everyday gesture performed by all of us. Here, it is also unanswered whether it makes any difference which hand to raise, whether the extent affects the meaning of the gesture, and whether the direction of the hand matters.
Hand-raising can be interpreted as a taboo Nazi or fascist salute, as one of the well-established means of voting, or simply as a natural response to rhythms in a pop concert. Revealing the expressivity and hidden contexts behind hand-raising, this work situates the audience in an ‘auction’ of gestures, in which the so-called exchange values are mutually negotiated by the sellers and the purchasers.”
「用舞蹈去說話,似是老生常談,可是誰在說話?說怎樣的 話 ? 說給誰聽 ? 是次作品以『舉手』(幾乎每個人都做過的動 作)為藍本,然而舉左手或右手有分別嗎 ? 手舉到哪裏會影響 到本身的涵義嗎?手掌的方向重要嗎?
舉手,可以是標誌納粹的禁忌動作,可以是象徵自古以來投票的 其中一個方法,可以單純是演唱會中舉手投足的投入擺動。通過 拆解『舉手』包含的表現性及隱藏的脈絡,再把觀眾置身一場有關 動作的『拍賣會』中,動作所謂的價值由賣方和買方共同決定。 」
“Using dance to speak one’s mind seems rather clichéd. Still, who is speaking, what to speak, and to whom do we speak remain unanswered questions. The blueprint of this work develops from ‘hand-raising’, an everyday gesture performed by all of us. Here, it is also unanswered whether it makes any difference which hand to raise, whether the extent affects the meaning of the gesture, and whether the direction of the hand matters.
Hand-raising can be interpreted as a taboo Nazi or fascist salute, as one of the well-established means of voting, or simply as a natural response to rhythms in a pop concert. Revealing the expressivity and hidden contexts behind hand-raising, this work situates the audience in an ‘auction’ of gestures, in which the so-called exchange values are mutually negotiated by the sellers and the purchasers.”
編舞及演出 陳偉洛
作曲 劉曉江
燈光設計 黎子瑜
服裝統籌 梁子蔚
Choreographer and Performer CHAN Wai Lok
Composer Lawrence Lau
Lighting Designer Lai Tze-yu
Costume Co-ordinator Jade Leung
Producted by the 10th Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series (CDS)
日期 26.3.2021 8pm, 27.3.2021 3pm
地點 香港文化中心劇場
An auction without bass
Date 26.3.2021 8pm, 27.3.2021 3pm
Venue Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

In the Cloud
朵室 (2022)
愛若有如果 (2022)
Drink and Dance (2021)
An Auction without Bass
Click (2021)
Everyone knows what it means to think (2019)
Dear Deer (2019)
/bɪˈtwiːn/ (2019)
Avenue Van Volxem 175, Etg 3 (2018)
Unidentified creature getting lost in unknown forest: Not found in the MISSING PERSON (2017)
Video works
POV (2021)
Heiwa Wong and Wai Lok Chan
Asaka Namba 難波沙香 (2020)
Nga Yan Cheng and Wai Lok Chan
Architectural Works
Dis-place 位移 (2022)
Siu Man and Wai Lok Chan
Hack the Moment 《合如是》(2023)
Etienne Leung
Six Mouths《品品》(2022)
Unlock Dancing Plaza
We Are Spectacle
《回聲二:人為景觀》 (2021)
Joseph Lee
Mountains, Seas, Panorama
山海流 (2020)
Wilfred WONG
Switch (2020)
Cherry Leung
Action (2020)
Ka Hei Yau
Mise-en-Scène (2019)
Heiwa Wong
Somnia (2019)
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Jolente De Keersmaeker
We were the future (2019)
Meytel Blanaru