Daily Life 家常(2023)
Chu Hoi Ying
Yam Gong’s poems are known for their humour and clever use of Cantonese slang. However, I chose one of Yam Gong’s relatively serious poems to adapt into a short film. I chose this work because my mind was flooded with vivid images when I read it. References to things that have been familiar to me since my childhood, such as ‘ham gang’-a ritual of screaming one’s name to cure their illness-and ‘white sugar cake’, unexpectedly exist in this poem in a whimsical yet intriguing manner.
In this project, I aimed to explore the essence of Yam Gong’s poem by delving into both concrete and the abstract realms. My goal was to unearth the narrative’s potential unpredictability. Throughout the filming process, I gradually came to see that the protagonist’s ailment could also symbolise the emotional states that dwell within each individual. Our personal rituals may vary, but what remains crucial is that some inadvertent aspects of life can guide us through transformative and healing journeys.
—Chu Hoi Ying
I was maybe four or five
when I became seriously ill
In my delirium, a woman from Dongguan
wailed for my soul’s return
One foot of cloth, one bowl of water,
clothes burning brightly in a brazier at the foot of my bed
My parents walked amid the smoke
Through flickering silhouettes my worried brothers and sisters spun around my bed like horses on a revolving lantern
I saw my soul
following schoolmates from a former life
playing in the river of forgetfulness
Mother said,
You had us scared
Your body was ice cold
The trembling of your nostrils
the only sound
Not until you heard the voice of the sponge-cake seller did you open your eyes
and smile grimly
And then what, Mother?
Then you came to judge the world
We were watching you from far away, and day by day
you recovered
—Yam Gong
Translated by James Shea and Dorothy Tse
導演 朱凱濙
演員 陳偉洛、廖浩雯、鄧梓澄、李誠願、楊小芳
監製 朱凱濙、梅諾謙
副導演 林鋌軒
製片人 梅諾謙
助理製片 曹嘉瑋
製作助理 袁瑋麒、陳得瑋、朱凱希
攝影 黃瑋納
助理攝影 郭永堅
燈光 黃立偉
花絮拍攝 陳得瑋
剪接 李謙明
調色 林鋌軒
影像修飾 莫嘉穎
標準字設計 李研慧
美術指導 林入
美術助理 鄭文越
服裝指導 王潔明
聲音後期製作 震.聲音影音平台
聲音設計 周震
聲音設計助理 黃在恩
後期聲音助理 廖邦儒
原創音樂 丁宗偉
聲音演出 賴玉蘭
Director Chu Hoi Ying
Cast Chan Wai Lok, Liu Ho Man, Tang Cherry Zariyah, Lee Dominic Shing Yuen, Siu Fong Yeung
Producers Chu Hoi Ying, Mui Lok Him
Assistant Producer Lam Ting Hin
Production Manager Mui Lok Him
Assistant Production Manager Cho Kobe
Production Assistants Yuen Wai Ki, Chan Tak Wai, Chu Hoi Hei
Cinematographer Wong Wai Nap
Assistant Camera Kwok Wing Kin
Gaffer Huang Li Wei
Still Photography/BTS Chan Tak Wai
Editor j.him Lee
Colourist Lam Ting Hin
Retoucher Mok Ka Wing
Title Design Yen-Hui Lee
Art Director Bomb
Art Assistant Thisby Cheng
Costume Designer Eugene Wong
Sound Design Postproduction Seismic Sound Lab. Ltd.
Sound Designer Chou Cheng
Sound Assistant Huang Tsai-En
Postproduction Sound Intern Liu Bon-Yu
Original Music Brian Ting Chung Wai
Voice Performance Lai Yuk Lan
Yam Gong’s poems are known for their humour and clever use of Cantonese slang. However, I chose one of Yam Gong’s relatively serious poems to adapt into a short film. I chose this work because my mind was flooded with vivid images when I read it. References to things that have been familiar to me since my childhood, such as ‘ham gang’-a ritual of screaming one’s name to cure their illness-and ‘white sugar cake’, unexpectedly exist in this poem in a whimsical yet intriguing manner.
In this project, I aimed to explore the essence of Yam Gong’s poem by delving into both concrete and the abstract realms. My goal was to unearth the narrative’s potential unpredictability. Throughout the filming process, I gradually came to see that the protagonist’s ailment could also symbolise the emotional states that dwell within each individual. Our personal rituals may vary, but what remains crucial is that some inadvertent aspects of life can guide us through transformative and healing journeys.
—Chu Hoi Ying
Daily Life
I was maybe four or five
when I became seriously ill
In my delirium, a woman from Dongguan
wailed for my soul’s return
One foot of cloth, one bowl of water,
clothes burning brightly in a brazier at the foot of my bed
My parents walked amid the smoke
Through flickering silhouettes my worried brothers and sisters spun around my bed like horses on a revolving lantern
I saw my soul
following schoolmates from a former life
playing in the river of forgetfulness
Mother said,
You had us scared
Your body was ice cold
The trembling of your nostrils
the only sound
Not until you heard the voice of the sponge-cake seller did you open your eyes
and smile grimly
And then what, Mother?
Then you came to judge the world
We were watching you from far away, and day by day
you recovered
—Yam Gong
Translated by James Shea and Dorothy Tse
導演 朱凱濙
演員 陳偉洛、廖浩雯、鄧梓澄、李誠願、楊小芳
監製 朱凱濙、梅諾謙
副導演 林鋌軒
製片人 梅諾謙
助理製片 曹嘉瑋
製作助理 袁瑋麒、陳得瑋、朱凱希
攝影 黃瑋納
助理攝影 郭永堅
燈光 黃立偉
花絮拍攝 陳得瑋
剪接 李謙明
調色 林鋌軒
影像修飾 莫嘉穎
標準字設計 李研慧
美術指導 林入
美術助理 鄭文越
服裝指導 王潔明
聲音後期製作 震.聲音影音平台
聲音設計 周震
聲音設計助理 黃在恩
後期聲音助理 廖邦儒
原創音樂 丁宗偉
聲音演出 賴玉蘭
Director Chu Hoi Ying
Cast Chan Wai Lok, Liu Ho Man, Tang Cherry Zariyah, Lee Dominic Shing Yuen, Siu Fong Yeung
Producers Chu Hoi Ying, Mui Lok Him
Assistant Producer Lam Ting Hin
Production Manager Mui Lok Him
Assistant Production Manager Cho Kobe
Production Assistants Yuen Wai Ki, Chan Tak Wai, Chu Hoi Hei
Cinematographer Wong Wai Nap
Assistant Camera Kwok Wing Kin
Gaffer Huang Li Wei
Still Photography/BTS Chan Tak Wai
Editor j.him Lee
Colourist Lam Ting Hin
Retoucher Mok Ka Wing
Title Design Yen-Hui Lee
Art Director Bomb
Art Assistant Thisby Cheng
Costume Designer Eugene Wong
Sound Design Postproduction Seismic Sound Lab. Ltd.
Sound Designer Chou Cheng
Sound Assistant Huang Tsai-En
Postproduction Sound Intern Liu Bon-Yu
Original Music Brian Ting Chung Wai
Voice Performance Lai Yuk Lan

video available in M+ magazine
In the Cloud
朵室 (2022)
愛若有如果 (2022)
Drink and Dance (2021)
An Auction without Bass
Click (2021)
Everyone knows what it means to think (2019)
Dear Deer (2019)
/bɪˈtwiːn/ (2019)
Avenue Van Volxem 175, Etg 3 (2018)
Unidentified creature getting lost in unknown forest: Not found in the MISSING PERSON (2017)
Video works
POV (2021)
Heiwa Wong and Wai Lok Chan
Asaka Namba 難波沙香 (2020)
Nga Yan Cheng and Wai Lok Chan
Architectural Works
Dis-place 位移 (2022)
Siu Man and Wai Lok Chan
Hack the Moment 《合如是》(2023)
Etienne Leung
Six Mouths《品品》(2022)
Unlock Dancing Plaza
We Are Spectacle
《回聲二:人為景觀》 (2021)
Joseph Lee
Mountains, Seas, Panorama
山海流 (2020)
Wilfred WONG
Switch (2020)
Cherry Leung
Action (2020)
Ka Hei Yau
Mise-en-Scène (2019)
Heiwa Wong
Somnia (2019)
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Jolente De Keersmaeker
We were the future (2019)
Meytel Blanaru